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A picture is taken of you alone or with your friends or family. The photo is transformed into a wacky morphed version of your real face. Your lips are stretched, eye brows arched, nose elongated, ears stretched, cheeks puffed out or sunken, it's limitless! A crazy gift for guests. Morph your face onto 5x7" photo card in a frame, a fake driver's license, a mouse pad or a t-shirt. Prices vary depending on cost of the items.
Terms: for 3 hours, up to 100 photos.
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Guests choose an image of a celebrity, sexy model, sports figure, rock musician, gladiator, knight, rock climber, etc. Our photographer takes a picture of the guest and inserts their head on to the body of their choice. Everyone gets a chance to be someone else or do something they would never dare to do! Available in different sizes and formats such as 8x10 glossy pictures with frames, trading card sized magnets, calendars, and more.
Terms: for up to 5 hours. Price includes up to 100 pictures or 400 magnets.
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We supply all of the items at no charge to you. Guests choose to have their head put on someone else's body, or they can just be themselves and have their picture taken and put on a wanted poster, jumbo dollar bill, mug, t-shirt, mouse pad, apron, key chain, felt poster, button, mirror, etc. This is a great form of entertainment for all ages.
Terms: Product items are at no charge.
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Watch yourself and friends on the live video monitor while the operator digitally captures the pictures and seamlessly merges it into your choice from one of three background image templates. The high quality, realistic composite photo images will be kept as treasured mementos of the event.
Terms: Call for price quote.
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Glamour Shots is the newest party craze! Dress up like a model and our make-up artist will add the finishing touches.
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(818) 780-4433 or toll free at (800) 939-7737
email: Party@EntertainmentExpress.US